Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Republic of Malta - Association. - (2 links).

fsws.gov.mt/en/Pages/default.aspx   14/04/2020   The Foundation for Social Welfare Services was established on the 24th March 1998, following authorisation by the Prime Minister on 27th February 1998, with responsibility in the fields of social services, inter alia, the agencies of the said Foundation in relation to the work of Aġenzija Sedqa and Aġenzija Appoġġ, back then known as the Social Welfare Development Programme.

mcwo.net   14/04/2020   Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations. Founded in 2004, the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) represents the concerns, needs and interests of women from all walks of life through dialogue. The MCWO through its member organisations represents over 24,000 Maltese women and is a full member of the European Women’s Lobby.